A Guide to Choosing the Right School Program For Your Child
We are so fortunate to live in a country where we have so many educational programs to choose from for our children. However fortunate we are there?s no denying that so many programs can cause our heads to spin. As a parent of three grown boys, a home-school mom, charter school founder and now the CEO of a Colorado tutoring center, I?d like to offer some guidelines that may help make this process a little easier for you.
Before you get started choosing a school, apply these four components to your decision making process:
1.School Philosophy ? Is it traditional, progressive or other?2.School Achievement Record ? Information can be found at your State Department of Education website.3.Safety ? Information on a school?s safety record can be found at your State Department of Education website and through your local police department.4.Family Cohesiveness ? Will the program work for all family members and the family budget?
By applying these four components to your selection process you will be able to come to a decision that is not only best for your child but will ensure educational stability which is important for student achievement. I know from personal experience, kids do not like to move from school to school as it puts too much strain on their social experience.
You will find that all schools, even though they are supposed to be created equal, are not. Should you make a change, you may find the new school is teaching a new type of math that differs from your old school. This could put your child behind right when they arrive hindering your child?s progress and hurting their overall educational experience. Before you do anything, visit the school. Some schools require an appointment so you might want to call ahead and check. I also recommend visiting the classrooms. It?s a red flag if a school won?t let you observe a classroom. When a school doesn?t require an appointment and will let you observe a classroom that?s a real plus in my book.
You may not be aware of all the school choices you have available to you. I know from speaking with many or our tutoring families they are surprised to learn about the many options they have when choosing a school for their child. So let?s go over the main ones and keep in mind the area where you live may have other choices so visit your state?s Department of Education website to learn all about the different programs in your area. Listed below is a breakdown of school options using pros and cons. You can add your own pros and cons so it fits your personal needs.
Public Schools ? I am listing items that are generally offered at public schools. There will be some differences depending on your area. Of course, you may see a con that to you is a pro so it?s just a matter of opinion. If it fits with your philosophy and your family?s needs then that?s all that matters.
1.Usually close to home.2.Most kids in the neighborhood will be going, so your child will know the students.3.May have buses to take your child to school.4.Before and after school care offered.5.School cafeteria (free school lunch in some areas).6.Generally speaking, public schools have better funding then charters and private schools.7.Extra-curricular activities available (band, sports, art, etc.).8.PTO support.9.Special education programs.10.Open enrollment programs in some districts which allows you to choose a school that fits your own educational philosophy.11.Some areas have a Track Calendar which allows for 3 week breaks during the year.12.Usually have up-to-date curriculum and technology (Generally speaking when compared to Charter Schools).
1.One-size- fits-all teaching methods.2.Large class sizes.3.Over crowding.4.Long bus rides to school.5.Includes areas of study you may oppose.6.Student discipline issues due to over crowding.7.Teacher Tenure ? hard to remove ineffective teachers.8.Some areas have a Track Calendar but you can?t always have all siblings on the same track.9.Curriculum not as rigorous as you may like.10.Too much testing.
Charter Schools ? (Pubic schools that operate autonomously)
1.Smaller class sizes.2.School uniforms.3.Operates autonomously from the school district.4.Many volunteer opportunities.5.Parent Council.6.A defined philosophy ? You will know if the school is more traditional or progressive. Some charters are designed to be delivered outdoors only. Charters tend to inform their parents of their expectations of you and your child so you will know if it?s a good match.7.Most charters have smaller school populations.8.Statistics are showing that charter schools out perform public schools after they have been established for 5 years or more. 9.These schools usually have a stricter code of conduct.10.Grading scale is usually more difficult.
1.Limited enrollment and siblings may not get in.2.Sometimes there is a waiting list and it could take years for your child to be accepted.3.No bus service.4.Limited supplies and curriculum ? especially if a new charter.5.Many new charters won?t have cafeteria services for the first few years.6.Parent councils can operate poorly.7.Teacher continuity can take a few years.8.May not have before and after care.9.Your child may not see their neighborhood friends.10.These schools usually have stricter codes of conduct.11.Grading scale is usually more difficult.12.Won?t always be able to switch to another teacher if you don?t like the one your child has as most charters only have 2 classes per grade.13.Although it is mandatory, many charters will have limited Special Ed services.14. New charters often suffer growing pains. You?ll be expected to volunteer a lot and donate as much money and supplies as you can.
Home Schools ? Be sure to check with your Department of Education before you start a home school program. You usually are required to complete a form of notification and there are state guidelines and testing that must be followed as well.
1.Freedom to choose your own curriculum and teaching methods.2.Set your own schedule and calendar. You can hold classes 3 days a week or 6 days, whichever you prefer. Along with choosing your own curriculum this has got to be the best part of homeschooling. (180-185 days of school are usually required but you can choose to hold class in the mornings, stop at 12:00, and then come back at 3:00 and work another few hours. 3.Classes can be anywhere ? at home, church, and on field trips with friends.4.In many states your child can participate in specials (art, computer, music classes) at your local public school at no charge.5.The joy of having more time with your kids.6.Can establish outside playgroups and activities with other home-school moms.7.You can join Home School Associations in your area for resources and assistance.8.Depending on your school district, there are now online programs available free of charge that provides you with a computer, printer, curriculum and teacher contact. Your child is part of a school district program but they learn from home.
1.Time commitment is sometimes overwhelming.2.The cost can be underestimated. Some home school parents start from scratch and others purchase lesson plans and curriculum kits. There are so many resources now to choose from but there will be out of pocket expense.3.Turning your home into a classroom ? you may have limited space.4.Time management.5.Student management ? your child may not always want to work with you.6.Negative feedback from other parents. Let?s face it, if you are thin skinned this may not be for you. Many parents tend to think you are doing your child a disservice by not allowing your child to go to school and have the social benefits of public school. Others will say you are trying to shelter them from the real world.
Private Schools: There are so many private schools with different programs that for me to try and list the pros and cons would not be helpful. This is one area that you really need to do your homework on to make sure the value given is worth the cost.
Hopefully you have gathered some useful information and ideas that will make your selection process easier. If you?re like me there is nothing more important than a powerful education. Good, just isn?t good enough!
Source: http://andreaweckerlecopywriting.com/a-guide-to-choosing-the-right-school-program-for-your/
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