He might be a little more brief or standardize his answers as most people don't understand much of the reality of economics, interest rates, policy, etc., It is his call on how to determine is best at each interview.
Yahoo still tried to manipulate by posting he was a libertarian candidate in 2008 and mislead folks about higher interest rates (I believe as a scare tactic).
One of the things I have been doing is searching his name on yahoo as well as google to get his name trending. Really tired of seeing movie stars and Nancy Grace trending.
Nullify and set your self free!
Not good answers
Submitted by sri on Tue, 07/19/2011 - 14:29.Sorry but I think Dr.Paul should not be so technical in these kinds of interviews. About 50% of the content of his answers were just too technical and would miss the attention of most people. He needs to break it down to simpler terms so that average people can understand and relate to.
Question: What is your approach for job creation ?
Answer : First I would cut government spending significantly by ending the American Military adventures all over the world. Then I would cut government spending even more by eliminating all waste and then unneeded departments. Then Government will not need that much of people's money. Then I will give significant tax cuts to all citizens. Then Economy will grow like crazy.
Question : How are you different from the two front runners...Romney & Bachmann ?
Answer : They are for American military empire. I am totally against that. And the awesome benefit of my policy is....we can save boatloads of money and give boatloads of tax cuts to all citizens.
gold standard is the ultimate, not intermediate, goal
All of those who understand economics know it is wise to have a currency tied to something with intangible value. We have been weened off the gold standard over the course of the last 97 years. We have been completely removed since 1971 (40 years). It would be insane to think we can unwind the proportional damage and go back to a gold standard overnight. It would take years to reach this goal. Ron Paul knows this and has admitted the intermediate solution is a commodities standard. Once this is in place, we can gradually reduce the M3 to a point where a gold standard will one day become feasible. And this isn't a new concept. Alexander of Macedonia unified the entire ancient world under a silver standard. Albeit a difficult task, it's not impossible. And it MUST be something we strive to accomplish, otherwise we will stray the way of the Romans.
I went to yahoo and couldn't find this article/vid.
Submitted by JamJHolmes on Tue, 07/19/2011 - 11:11.But in the last election yahoo totally ignored RP. So I don't usually go there but did just to see, and didn't see it. Yahoo has never been legit when it come to RP. They NEVER put him on the front page, and if I remember correctly, the moneybombs were ignored by yahoo too. Ef yahoo.
this pesky "Return to Gold Standard" thing...
Submitted by BugMan on Tue, 07/19/2011 - 10:53.Am I confused or is this really a main plank for RP? If so, it could be detrimental to the campaign. We all know, and everybody knows, that it would be impossible to back all existing money with gold. This is enough for most thinking people to think that he really is a whack job if that is a major plank, and give him no further consideration.
I think RP knows that a gold standard would not be achievable in his tenure, which is why he pushes legalizing competing currencies instead.
What am I missing, and why isn't this brought up more?
'Cause there's a monster on the loose
gold standard is the ultimate, not intermediate, goal
All of those who understand economics know it is wise to have a currency tied to something with intangible value. We have been weened off the gold standard over the course of the last 97 years. We have been completely removed since 1971 (40 years). It would be insane to think we can unwind the proportional damage and go back to a gold standard overnight. It would take years to reach this goal. Ron Paul knows this and has admitted the intermediate solution is a commodities standard. Once this is in place, we can gradually reduce the M3 to a point where a gold standard will one day become feasible. And this isn't a new concept. Alexander of Macedonia unified the entire ancient world under a silver standard. Albeit a difficult task, it's not impossible. And it MUST be something we strive to accomplish, otherwise we will stray the way of the Romans.
You said it yourself, SupportFreedom...
Submitted by BugMan on Tue, 07/19/2011 - 11:58.Ron knows this and proposes an intermediate solution. Then why advertise to the general public the "Return to Gold Standard" instead? Makes him look like a kook.
'Cause there's a monster on the loose
I understand the point. And to the average (dumbed-down) American, this is outlandish. But so is abolishing the central bank, the IRS, the Dept of Education, and all the other things we as Americans have become accustomed to accepting -- despite how disingenuous they are to our Republic and economic prosperity. I agree there is room for Ron Paul to elaborate on some of theses areas. I don't think he is aware of how uneducated or misdirected the populace is on many of these issues.
I think a backed currency and free market economics are necessarily intertwined, just as a fiat currency and central banking are connected.
This is the point Lincoln was making when he said money should be the servant of the people, and not the master. When you have unlimited power to print a paper currency, people are subjugated by the policies of the few. When money is determined by the will of the people (ie the value they place in a commmon source, say gold), they are freed from tyranny.
So Fins...
Submitted by BugMan on Tue, 07/19/2011 - 11:52.You are OK with the big headline on the TV screen implying that one of RP's major planks is the "Return to Gold Standard"? And that it's possible in his 4 years as Prez?
'Cause there's a monster on the loose
You are right to point out priorities...
but I also agree that one of the major draws of DP is that he forces people to look at issues they don't understand. Unless we "the people" change, how can we expect Washington to?
IMO, Paul really has 2, MAYBE 3 priorities in his FIRST 4 years. End the Fed, end the War(s), and some type of focus on civil liberties, though I'm not sure exactly what that will look like. The Fed is central to his belief that out of control government is directly linked to their actions. War is central to his foreign policy/budget positions. Civil liberties are a necessary part of freedom and restricting government.
The SECOND term will be more focused on the IRS, border issues, Medicare, social security, more civil liberties, Department of Education, gold standard, etc.
Submitted by BugMan on Tue, 07/19/2011 - 10:54..
'Cause there's a monster on the loose
Competing currencies
Submitted by Lars on Tue, 07/19/2011 - 10:55....would have to be backed by something solid - like gold and silver.
After the runaway inflation that is coming, the fiat money will be worthless.
Then we need a new money system and that would have to be back by something solid - like gold and silver - for people to trust it after they have just experienced runaway inflation.
The alternative is a new international currency which is the plan of the establishment after they have destroyed the dollar. This will be sold as the solution but it will be based on the same principle as the current fiat system.
IMF as the bed FED of the world and a new World Government to match.
Money backed by gold and silver is THE only solution if we want to limit Government. The fiat system is the Government's credit card.
Of course, Lars. You know that, I know that, but...
Submitted by BugMan on Tue, 07/19/2011 - you agree that 'Return to Gold Standard' should be a major plank for RP? It seems to me that the MSM posts that just to point out that RP is too out there with crazy ideas that can't happen... and this one can't.... at least in his tenure.
'Cause there's a monster on the loose
I think it is more a fact
Submitted by Lars on Tue, 07/19/2011 - 13:22.You could argue that allowing hemp should not be part of the campaign and 4 years ago you could have argued the same about ending the Fed or the wars.
The thing about Ron Paul is that he educates us. We will never win before we get wiser about the issues.
I have learned not to argue with the way Ron Paul does things. Nobody has achieved more than Ron Paul in terms of educating the people on the issues.
I just want to thank Ron Paul for everything he does and especially the way he does it. I have learned so much and expect to learn much more. A true statesman and an example for all to follow in my humble opinion.
The End
I love the commentator's statement at the end of the interview. Immediately after Dr. Paul explains how his platform is completely different from all other candidates the reply is, "aside from all that you're all on the same page." I was rolling on the floor laughing.
Wow. He was on a roll!!!
I don't think I've ever heard him summarize the causes of our economic woes, and the steps we need to take to correct them, so clearly.
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