Friday, August 31, 2012

Florida Tax Review Publishes New Issue

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Former President George W. Bush may be a ghostly presence at the Republican National Convention, but his brother expects him to get top billing, of sorts, next week.

"He'll be more at the Charlotte convention," joked former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush on "CBS This Morning." He was referring to the Democratic National Convention that begins Tuesday and is likely to feature lots of George Bush-bashing.

Jeb Bush acknowledges that his brother has been a target because voters blame him for the nation's economic problems. The former president has held no place of honor at the GOP convention other than a video tribute.

That doesn't mean he isn't tuning in to the convention.

"I think he's watching it, and I know he's interested in it," Jeb Bush said. "He's curious about this country. But his attitude is, 'Look, I had a chance, I served, I did my best. It's Mitt Romney's night. It's his turn.'"

? Hope Yen

EDITOR'S NOTE ? Convention Watch shows you the 2012 political conventions through the eyes of Associated Press journalists. Follow them on Twitter where available with the handles listed after each item.


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DOJ targets banks, others in new money laundering offensive

(Reuters) - The Department of Justice is shifting its sights to a new offensive in combating money laundering: bringing criminal charges against banks and other financial institutions for weak compliance systems that fail to catch illicit money flows.

Even while the department's money-laundering unit is wrapping up a series of blockbuster cases involving sanctions-busting transactions routed through some of Europe's biggest banks, it has set its sights on the next front.

While the sanctions cases involving Iran and other countries have largely dealt with historical conduct, part of the shift is to pursue ongoing misconduct.

The focus on compliance systems has traditionally been left to financial firms' direct regulators, including the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, whose punishments usually amount to a strong slap on the wrist.

The DOJ has brought a handful of its own such cases, including one against Wachovia in 2010 in which authorities said the bank failed to maintain effective anti-money laundering controls and did not stop more than $100 million of Colombian and Mexican drug traffickers' money from being laundered through accounts at the bank.

The DOJ unit is now interested in ramping up the number of criminal cases it brings under the Bank Secrecy Act, or BSA, a law that requires financial institutions and their employees to take steps to combat money laundering.

"I think you are going to see more complex BSA cases against banks, I think you are going to see enforcement across the broader spectrum of financial institutions," said Jennifer Shasky Calvery, who heads the Department of Justice's Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section.

The cases come with potentially hefty punishments, with financial penalties equal to the illicit funds moved and prison sentences between five and ten years for individuals.

Also part of the appeal is that BSA cases, including compliance-related charges, can capture a range of financial institutions, from commercial banks and credit unions, to broker-dealers and insurers, to casinos and pawnbrokers.

In June, the Department of Justice charged check-cashing businesses in Brooklyn and Los Angeles with failing to file certain transaction reports and failing to have an effective anti-money laundering program. The businesses were being used to move more than $50 million in money, some of which was potentially linked to healthcare fraud, the government said.

Besides being one of the first such cases against a financial institution that isn't a bank, it was also the first to indict individuals - the owners of the businesses - with failing to have an effective anti-money laundering program.

It is unclear whether the effort will produce marquee cases or those targeted at smaller entities, and individual charges are unlikely at larger institutions since responsibilities are often shared by multiple employees and departments.


At least one big upcoming case, against HSBC, is expected to be based in part on the bank's weak compliance systems.

The U.K.-based bank set aside $700 million last month for anticipated U.S. fines that are expected to come from a years-long probe by the Department of Justice and other authorities.

A U.S. Senate report in July highlighted the allegations, finding that HSBC had let clients shift potentially illicit funds from countries such as Mexico, Iran, the Cayman Islands, Saudi Arabia and Syria.

HSBC representatives have said the case is not about the bank's complicity in money laundering, but about "lax compliance standards".

One of the largest casino companies, Las Vegas Sands, run by magnate Sheldon Adelson, is also under investigation by the Department of Justice for potential violations of anti-money laundering laws, according to a source familiar with the matter.

Banks have in the past generally tailored their anti-money laundering efforts to meet the requirements of banking regulators. With the DOJ's shift in focus, banks may need to ensure they are not liable to criminal charges of money laundering that the department would try to establish in any case it pursued.

"Any responsible financial institution is going to have to assess its anti-money laundering program and make sure that it has not just enough resources and personnel to satisfy regulators but also to ward off any criminal investigative activity," Peter Djinis, a former regulatory policy official with the U.S. Treasury Department's Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, also known as FinCEN.

Djinis, who is now in private practice in Florida, said he hopes the department's intensified interest doesn't cause friction with regulators.

Notably, New York state bank regulator Benjamin Lawsky earlier this month aggravated federal authorities by breaking from negotiations to bring his own sensational sanctions case against British bank Standard Chartered, extracting a large settlement in the process.

"What we don't want to do is have a bidding contest between the criminal prosecutorial powers of law enforcement and the oversight and supervisory powers of the regulators," Djinis said.


In 2010 the Department of Justice created within the asset forfeiture section a specialized unit, money laundering and bank integrity, which it staffed with about 14 prosecutors who focus exclusively on financial institution cases.

The unit, which is also handling the sanctions and stripping-related cases including the one against Standard Chartered, is focused on fortifying the U.S. financial system against money laundering and illicit finance, Shasky Calvery said.

"The way we do that is by aggressively enforcing the Bank Secrecy Act," she said.

The term "stripping" refers to the practice of banks removing or masking information regarding transactions.

Shasky Calvery is leaving the Justice Department next month to head FinCEN, the U.S. Department of the Treasury's anti-money laundering unit.

Her deputy, Jai Ramaswamy, will serve as acting chief of the unit and said he planned to keep it on the same track.

Part of the shift in focus appears to be a greater interest in cases which show ongoing illegal conduct rather than going after banks and institutions that broke the law in the past but have not continued to do so.

The headline-grabbing cases involving allegations that some of the world's largest banks concealed Iran-linked transactions are related to historical conduct. The Standard Chartered case, for example, deals primarily with conduct that occurred before 2008.

The newer focus cases in contrast involve some more recent activity. The check cashing case, for example, involved conduct that lasted through June 2011, prosecutors said.

Earlier this month the Department of Justice charged what it described as a multi-million dollar money laundering conspiracy to help move drug money in Texas, and said the conduct had occurred through 2011.

Such cases also represent something of shift to charging so-called professional money-launderers, as opposed to adding money-laundering charges to an underlying drug or corruption case.

Another priority of the unit is examining potential misconduct in new types of technology such as mobile payments, Shasky Calvery said.

(Reporting By Aruna Viswanatha in Washington and Brett Wolf in St. Louis; editing by Andrew Hay)


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Indian military helicopters collide in mid-air: 9 dead

NEW DELHI (Reuters) - Two military helicopters collided in mid-air during a training sortie over India's western state of Gujarat on Thursday, killing nine Air Force personnel, the government said.

Television pictures showed skeletal, charred remains of the Russian-made MI-17 multi-utility helicopters in what seemed like a sparsely populated area. The wreckage was surrounded by police, firefighters and military officials.

Officials quoted by media said the crash site was a military area near the Jamnagar airbase in Gujarat, a state bordering Pakistan. No casualties or loss of property on the ground was reported.

The country's military has been plagued by often fatal accidents due to obsolete hardware. More than half of the 872 MiG fighters India bought from Moscow since the early 1960s have crashed.

India plans to spend about $100 billion over the next 10 years to upgrade largely Soviet-era military equipment.

(Reporting by Arup Roychoudhury; Editing by Frank Jack Daniel and Ron Popeski)


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Promotions and New Nationals Sales Manager - Hellwig Products

Hellwig Products Co. Inc Announces Promotions, National Sales Position
August 21, 2012; working to continuously improve business and customer relationships Hellwig Products Co. President Mark Hellwig announced at its quarterly strategic planning meeting the promotion of two key employees and the hiring of a National Sales Manager.

Nancy Souza promoted to Director of Business Relations;
Working to advance relationships, communication, information technology and customer service, Nancy will expand Hellwig?s efforts to serve our business partners. In this executive role and through the use of best practices in business growth Nancy will reinforce and support development of new business as well as support and promote existing business.

Melanie White Promoted to Vice President;
Hellwig Products Company is pleased to announce the promotion of Melanie White to Company Vice President. Her emphasis will remain in marketing but duties will now also include oversight of business development, tracking management objectives and input into general operations.

Gary Wright to Capture National Sales Position;
Gary comes to Hellwig with great experience in the automotive aftermarket. He has great energy and enthusiasm for the automotive industry. Gary will be representing Hellwig in the field and managing accounts while also playing an important role in strategic planning. Hellwig looks forward to having him on the team.

Posted on Thursday, August 30th, 2012 in news.
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From the Council on Hemispheric Affairs | US Hispanics

Washington and Asunci?n: An Uphill Relationship

As Paraguay looks ahead to the end of its political crisis, its burgeoning economic and political relationship with Washington must be examined. Washington?s Paraguay policy, supporting large-scale investment projects and reestablishing military relations, is reminiscent of its policy after the Honduran coup in 2009. This type of relationship with Washington will not address the serious income distribution inequality and will only further anger Paraguay?s regional neighbors.

This analysis was prepared by Eric Stadius, Research Associate at the Council on Hemispheric Affairs and Peter Tase, Research Fellow at the Council on Hemispheric Affairs.

To read full article, click?here.


Brazilian Intervention in Regional War on Drugs at Stake

Bolivia?s refusal to admit the Brazilian Federal Police on its soil in spite of UN recommendations provides the need to shift Brazilian strategies in the regional war on drugs. La Paz?s dissent from other drug trafficking countries represents a warning for Brasilia?s recent interventionist policies in its border?s geopolitical relationships.

This analysis was prepared by Arnaud Koehl, Research Assoiate at the Council on Hemispheric Affairs.

To read full article, click?here.


Economic Cold War: Moscow and Washington Battle for Influence in the Western Hemisphere

The Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States has been over for more than a decade. However the atmosphere of competition and rivalry between the Russian Federation and the United States, especially in Latin America, is continuing through economic antagonism and partnership with the regional governments. Where the United States is limited due to the ideological differences, Russia finds an opportunity to invest and profit.?

This analysis was prepared by Darya Vakulenko, Research Associate at the Council on Hemispheric Affairs.

To read full article, click?here.



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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Buy a Business-Negotiation is the key to save some extra money

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If you start a business from scratch that means you have to create or use a product that hasn?t been used before and you have to try and market it so that you can generate enough sales to stay in business. You have to go through all the teething processes that invariably cause lots of problems for you along the way. Buying an existing business can be a good decision than starting up a new business exclusively for a simple reason called risk. If you start a new business you might surrounded by countless risks that stop your business to grow exponentially. Due to the risk factors associated with starting a new business buying an existing business is much more popular. People prefer to take franchise of the business over starting a business from scratch.

There are many things which you should always bear in mind before your commence searching for an existing organization for sale.

First of all decide what kind of business you want to buy. Put your choice for any specific location where you think your business can grow at rapid speed. Do not look for the business that is pertaining for the profits only because buying a business in places you are interested in or have got past experience would give you sufficient moral to bypass any hurdle that comes while running the business.

It is better to know your strengths whenever you plan to buy a new business. Listing your skills, your current experience, your certification, what your great at or how you need to run your business will help you to plan a better strategy to run your business. It is really important to first decide what type of business you want to buy, have you been okay with building a commercial, office centered or industrial kind of business, Your desired net income and the level of capital you have readily available for the down payment.

Make a valuation of the business you want to buy as it may be important to verify the proper amount of the business you want to purchase. It also helps you spending the money for correct amount of the enterprise in which you are interested in as opposed to over paying. Also make sure you buy a business directly from owner, as these businesses have a great chance of negotiation, a good deal and saving some extra money.

Constantly while buying a business for sale, be ready to negotiate always, have great persuasion skills try to remember to stay within your budget.

Author is a professional writer as he is writing articles on various topics from last three years. With this post he wants to share information on Buy a Business. Find more on website.



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Friday, August 24, 2012

Schmitt goes back to school after Olympic stardom

FILE - In this July 31, 2012, file photo, United States' Allison Schmitt holds her gold medal aloft after winning the women's 200-meter freestyle swimming final at the Aquatics Centre in the Olympic Park during the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. One week, you're basking in the glory, five medals around your neck. The next, you're adjusting to the rigors of studying and exams. For Schmitt, one of the top U.S. athletes at the London Games, it's back to school. (AP Photo/Daniel Ochoa De Olza, File)

FILE - In this July 31, 2012, file photo, United States' Allison Schmitt holds her gold medal aloft after winning the women's 200-meter freestyle swimming final at the Aquatics Centre in the Olympic Park during the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. One week, you're basking in the glory, five medals around your neck. The next, you're adjusting to the rigors of studying and exams. For Schmitt, one of the top U.S. athletes at the London Games, it's back to school. (AP Photo/Daniel Ochoa De Olza, File)

FILE - In this July 31, 2012, file photo, United States' Allison Schmitt celebrates her gold medal win in the women's 200-meter freestyle swimming final at the Aquatics Centre in the Olympic Park during the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. One week, you're basking in the glory, five medals around your neck. The next, you're adjusting to the rigors of studying and exams. For Schmitt, one of the top U.S. athletes at the London Games, it's back to school. (AP Photo/Daniel Ochoa De Olza, File)

(AP) ? From Olympic star to just another college student.

For Allison Schmitt, there was hardly any time to savor her breakout performance at the London Games, where she won a total of five medals in swimming. She had to get back to Georgia for the start of her senior year.

"This is just a part of life," Schmitt said Wednesday. "In London, we felt like we were in our own little world. But once you come back, it's back to real life."

While many athletes were able to cash in on their triumphs, Schmitt retained her amateur status so she could swim one more year for the Bulldogs. She's actually looking forward to competing in duel meets, the Southeastern Conference championships and the NCAAs, even though some might view that as a bit of a comedown from the Olympics.

"I love swimming for whatever is on my cap," she said. "I'm honored to come back to Georgia for my last year swimming with a 'G' on my cap. I'm excited to get back in the water for this team. I think we have some great things going for us this year. I'm proud to be a Bulldog."

While overshadowed a bit by U.S. teammates such as Michael Phelps, Ryan Lochte and Missy Franklin, Schmitt was right in their class when it came to the results. She won three golds, a silver and a bronze ? just as many medals as Lochte and Franklin. The only London athlete, in any sport, to win more was Phelps, who claimed four golds and two silvers in his farewell Olympics.

It's all still a bit overwhelming to Schmitt, especially the part about fellow students recognizing her as she walks around campus.

"Someone stopped me as I was walking to the bus and said, 'Are you Allison Schmitt?' And I was like, 'Yeah, that's me,'" she said, chuckling. "Somebody came up to me in class and asked for a picture. It's kind of weird when people recognize me. You don't really realize that they might have been watching the Olympics this summer. It's kind of cool, too. It's definitely something I never thought would happen, but I'll take it."

Schmitt took a year off from school to prepare for the Olympics, moving to Baltimore to work with Phelps and his longtime coach, Bob Bowman.

It certainly paid off.

"I wanted to concentrate without the distraction of classes and a college schedule," she said. "I knew I had to focus solely on swimming. Going to Baltimore gave me an opportunity to travel to different place when my college team would have been doing duel meets or the SECs or the NCAAs. It was a tough decision to leave, but it was a lot easier knowing I would come back for my senior year."

She never wavered on finishing up her college eligibility, even though she could've been in line for lucrative endorsements after her starring role in London.

"Schmitty is the consummate team player," said her Georgia coach, Jack Bauerle. "I was always asked if she would come back, and there was never even a doubt about it. She loves Georgia. She's the kind of kid you want to have on your team. She's great for everybody, not just herself."

The Bulldogs have long been a college swimming powerhouse, and this year should be no exception. The Bulldogs have another gold medalist, junior Shannon Vreeland, who joined Schmitt on the winning 800-meter freestyle relay team in London. On the men's side, they have Andrew Gemmell, who competed in the 1,500 free at the Olympics.

But Schmitt is the biggest star, an athlete of enormous talent but perhaps even more impressive when it comes to her mental outlook. Phelps and Bowman talked numerous times this summer about her perpetually cheery outlook on life, her goofy antics, and her fondness for corny jokes. She'll burst into laughter, the only one in on the punch line, while everyone around her just shakes their heads and says, "That's Schmitty."

During the Olympic trials in Omaha, she was persuaded to tell an especially bad joke on the pool deck in front of more than 10,000 spectators.

"What do a coach and a dentist have in common?" she asked. "They both use drills."

Rim shot, please.

On Wednesday, she was asked if she had any new material.

"Well, my favorite joke of all time is this one," Schmitt replied.

"Knock, knock."

"Who's there?" the reporter dutifully replied.

"Interrupting cow."

"Interrupt ..."

"Moooo!" Schmitt blurted out, breaking into a huge grin. "I just love that joke."

Her carefree attitude has carried her to great heights, and she's not done yet. Schmitt has every intention of returning for the 2016 Rio Games.

"She has a very unique approach to sports that's just inherently built in," Bauerle said. "Her mom and dad don't know where it came from. I don't know where it came from. But I'm glad it did.

"Even when she has disappointments ? and anyone who's at this level has had some pretty grand disappointments, too ? she's always smiling. Sometimes it's with tears in her eyes, but she's still smiling. Like I said, we don't know where it came from, but I wish a few more of my swimmers had it. One of her greatest gifts is she actually seems to have more fun the more important it is. That's a pretty neat thing."

This semester, Schmitt is taking a couple of psychology classes, as well as a math course and comparative literature. She's pretty much like any other senior: renting a house with friends, bumming rides until she's able to bring her car back from Baltimore, riding the bus to avoid the notoriously difficult quest to find a parking spot on campus.

As for her medals, she's still trying to figure out a safe place to keep them. For now, she's been strolling around with one of her gold medals in her backpack.

"I don't go around and say, 'Hey, check these out!" Schmitt said. "But with all the support I've had the past four years, if people ask to see them, I'm more than willing. They can hold them or try them on."

Somewhere down the line, she'll truly appreciate that magical week in Britain. For now, she's just another college student.

"It still hasn't sunk in," Schmitt said. "I haven't really has a chance to sit down and realize what I accomplished."


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Associated Press


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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Video: New Chinese car can be driven by remote control

Screencap of video where operator is using remote control to drive BYD car

The successor to the BYD F3 has gone through a couple of name changes on its way to production, finally settling on Su Rui, but its USP has been locked in since the beginning: remote control operation. That's right, a full-sized, road-legal sedan that can be driven by remote control. Of course, the R/C functionality has strict limitations: the Su Rui has a max speed of two kilometers an hour when being operated remotely and it only works when the operator is no more than 33 feet away. But who cares about that ? it's a full-size R/C car!

In case you were wondering about the Su Rui's specs, there are two engines on the menu, one is a 1.5-liter four-cylinder with 109 horsepower running through a five-speed manual, the other a 1.5-liter turbo four with 154 horsepower and the choice of a six-speed manual or a six-speed automatic. The remote control comes standard with the 1.5 turbo and, we're assuming, the automatic.

The car can be started and driven in all directions with the remote, and BYD has pushed the feature as handy for getting into tight parking spots or retrieving your car when it's raining and you don't have an umbrella. We figure that once the black hats get working on it, there'll be a few more tasks the Chinese sedan is good for. You can watch it in action in the video below.


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Year after Irene, New Yorkers ponder sea barriers

NEW YORK (AP) ? Two years before Hurricane Irene created the prospect of a flooding nightmare in New York City, 100 scientists and engineers met to sketch out a bold defense: massive, moveable barriers to shield the city from a storm-stirred sea.

Though the storm caused billions of dollars in damage along the Eastern Seaboard, Irene proved not to be the urban catastrophe forecasters feared. But in the wake of the close call a year ago, elected officials and community groups are pressing for an evaluation of whether sea barriers make sense for New York.

The city has been gathering information, while stressing that barriers are only one of many ideas being studied.

Initially hesitant to recommend spending money studying a remote possibility, state Assemblyman Richard Gottfried now finds the barrier idea realistic enough that he and state Sen. Thomas Duane have urged the city to give it a thorough examination. Gottfried changed his mind before Irene, but feels the storm ? which hit the city head-on as a tropical storm on Aug. 28, 2011 ? brought the point home to others.

"I think it did make it clear to a lot of New Yorkers that we could not take our safety for granted," he said this week.

To advocates, Irene ? which shuttered subways, spurred evacuation orders for 370,000 people and raised fears that a surge of seawater would cripple the U.S. financial capital ? added urgency to what they see as the best hope for protecting New York against a mounting threat. But some experts believe the city is better off focusing on more moderate, immediate measures to limit potential damage from storms and rising seas.

The discussion illuminates a potential dividing line for this city and others projected to face a more flood-prone future in a changing climate: take big, difficult steps in hopes of thwarting high water, or a roster of smaller ones intended to help manage it?

New York, for its part, says it's giving equal time to both approaches.

The city administration is working toward a hard-numbers analysis of natural risks and how well various coast-protection techniques would address them, said Adam Freed, the deputy director of Mayor Michael Bloomberg's Office of Long-Term Planning and Sustainability. Storm-surge barriers are among the options being examined; officials have talked in recent months with some participants in a 2009 academic conference on the issue.

In the meantime, the city also has flood-proofed some places ? by installing floodgates at sewage plants, for example, and raising the ground level while redeveloping a low-lying area in Queens.

"There's no one-size-fits-all solution to the risk we face, and it's not just one risk," Freed said, noting that the city also is preparing for more frequent heat waves, more extreme rainstorms and other anticipated global-warming effects. "It is going to be a suite of strategies that encompass everything."

Proponents say sea barriers would solve a big piece of the problem, and they point to examples in cities ranging from London to Providence, R.I. But some scientists and engineers feel the structures could create a false sense of security and raise environmental and social-equity questions.

"Who gets included to be behind the gate, and who doesn't get included? ... How do you make that decision in a fair way?" said Robert Swanson, an oceanographer at Long Island's Stony Brook University, where the barrier idea is a topic of cordial debate.

Two of his colleagues, oceanography professor Malcolm J. Bowman and lecturer and engineer Douglas Hill, are driving forces behind the idea and helped galvanize the 2009 conference, which featured conceptual designs from engineering firms.

One strategy entailed an estimated $9.1 billion set of barriers a mile long or shorter at three critical points around the city's waterways. The network would protect Manhattan and parts of the four outer boroughs and New Jersey, but not some vulnerable swaths of Brooklyn and Queens.

Some of them stood to gain protection in an alternative design: a single, 5-mile-long barrier between Sandy Hook, N.J., and the Rockaway Peninsula in Queens, estimated at $5.9 billion.

Both approaches were designed to block a 25-foot storm surge but had navigational locks or other mechanisms to let water and ship traffic flow under normal conditions. Some designs featured visible walls or berms above the waterline, but one envisioned a wall that would lie flat underwater and rise into position when needed.

Advocates note that an 1821 hurricane flooded what's now Manhattan's financial district ? and that experts estimate the city could face a surge as high as 25 feet and a 3 million-person evacuation if threatened by a storm as strong as a notorious 1938 hurricane that sawed through nearby Long Island. Moreover, the city projects global warming could boost sea levels by up to 4 ? feet by the end of the century, making flooding a growing threat.

Troubled by the projections, retired newspaper publisher and community activist Robert Trentlyon started broaching storm-surge barriers with local organizations and officials about two years ago.

Then came Irene, a 500-mile-wide hurricane that weakened to a tropical storm with 65-mph winds just before its center made landfall at Brooklyn's Coney Island.

"There's absolutely no question: From the time of Irene, for the next six months, people were more concerned," said Trentlyon, who now makes his rounds with a growing file of supportive statements.

U.S. Rep. Jerry Nadler urged city officials in a letter this month to take a comprehensive look at storm-surge barriers, bulkheads and other flood-fighting devices.

The City Council's Environmental Protection Committee heard from barrier advocates, among others, at a hearing in December, and Chairman James Gennaro would like the barriers to be among ideas getting further review by a city climate-change task force.

The council passed a proposal Wednesday to expand the group's scope to assess how heat, storms and flooding affect various aspects of the city.


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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

US general's plane attacked in Afghanistan

Massoud Hossaini / AFP - Getty Images

Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey (C) poses at NATO's International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) headquarters in Kabul on Monday.

By NBC News's Atia Abawi and wire reports

Updated at 6:40 a.m. ET: An aircraft used by U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Martin Dempsey was damaged by rocket-fire at an airbase outside Kabul,?Afghanistan, NATO said on Tuesday. The general was not on board at the time and no one was injured.

At around 1 a.m. (4:30 p.m. ET) on Tuesday, insurgents fired rockets or mortars into the base airfield, a source in Bagram Air Field told NBC News.? Two landed ?in the air field, with one of them hitting the plane used by Dempsey, the source added.?

Meanwhile, NATO's mission in Afghanistan confirmed that the plane had been damaged by incoming fire, saying it had been hit by "shrapnel from an indirect fire round."

"The round was one of two that impacted Bagram last night. An ISAF helicopter was also damaged," the ISAF statement added.

Photos: Afghanistan: Nation at a crossroads

"(Dempsey) was nowhere near the aircraft. We think it was a lucky shot," NATO senior spokesman Col. Thomas Collins told Reuters.

A new plane was brought in for Dempsey and he and his crew departed later in the morning.

The aircraft was only being used temporarily by Dempsey and his staff.?

Bagram targeted
Dempsey had been in the country on a two-day visit for talks with NATO and Afghan commanders on a string of recent rogue shootings.?

Bagram is occasionally targeted with rockets and mortar shells fired by insurgents from surrounding hills and fields.?

What's leading Afghan troops to turn on coalition forces?

Sporadic attacks also occur at NATO's other main airbase in Afghanistan, Kandahar Airfield, in the volatile south, although they rarely cause deaths or major damage.?

NBC's Atia Abawai explains what's behind the worsening attacks on U.S. military personnel by Afghan security and military to NBC's Andrea Mitchell.

Before leaving Afghanistan, Dempsey met his Afghan counterpart, General Sher Mohammad Karimi, who raised the issue of insider attacks by rogue forces that have killed 10 American troops in the past two weeks.?

"In the past, it's been us pushing on them to make sure they do more," he said on Monday. "This time, without prompting, when I met General Karimi, he started with a conversation about insider attacks -- and, importantly, insider attacks not just against us, but insider attacks against the Afghans, too."?

Reuters and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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